ILSE Dordrecht
On the 8th and 9th of March 2025 an International Lifesaving Competition will take place in the Sportboulevard, Fanny Blankers-Koenweg 10 in Dordrecht.
Last years athletes from Belgium, Germany, Great Britain, France, Netherlands, Scandinavian countries and Switzerland participated in our 50 meter pool.
7 individual and 4 team events are divided over two days, to create an optimal event. The program of the masters, seniors and juniors will be divided over 2 days.
The CDE program will be held on one day:
Saturday between 07.45 -13.00 hours
Teams are able to (pre)order lunch and meals from our lifesavingclub
We kindly ask you to buy you’re drinks an food during the competition in the clubhouse of the Dordtse Reddingsbrigade
Looking for a nice place to stay overnight? On this page you can find a lot of nice options to stay in the oldest city of Holland.
Dordrecht Lifesaving Summit wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door:
Do you like to officiate at Dordrecht Lifesaving Summit 2025? You can send your application via this link.
Jouw donatie kan een leven redden!
Al bijna 100 jaar zetten de vrijwilligers van de Dordtse Reddingsbrigade zich in om verdrinking te voorkomen.
Met uw donatie zorgen wij er voor dat de vrijwillige redders goed getraind en opgeleid worden en dat de materialen voldoen aan de hoogste eisen.
Uw gift vandaag is morgen een redding!